Back and Back

Travel 4 Replies

Hello possums! Just back from San Francisco, Anaheim and New York, in that reverse order and boy are we some tired.

Absolutely no drama to report except for a curious moment here and there which I will relate to you in the near future but right now, I have 1000 pictures, videos and tweets to get through (spotty internet connection on the road had me just instagramming a lot of things.)

Expect an update soon but for now, I leave you with this (Click to enlargin)

4 thoughts on “Back and Back

  1. Dead Robot

    Boba: It’s good to be home, but I’m on West Coast time – blarg!

    BigRed: Far too short! If you and the Plumber ever get to Canada, there’s a beer (and two knees) here for you.

  2. Bigreddee

    Truly a pleasure to hang out with you both. Thanks for fitting me into your crazy busy non-agenda! 😉 Oh, and…knees.

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