Category Archives: Queer stuff

Bears, Queens, Fags, Twinks, Dykes, Trannies, Transexuals, the whole nine inches.

One Hundred Days

Distractions, Personal Bits, Queer stuff

Hello! I am hoping you are having a magical day!

In exactly 100 days I will be boarding a plane to Orlando to partake in one of Florida’s biggest, gayest events: Gay Days at Disneyworld. Thousands upon thousands of red-shirt wearin’ homos converge on the parks over five days either to make a political statement, a safety-in-numbers thing or just a damn great weekend of fun (depending on your idea of fun). Meanwhile, unsuspecting straight people, when confronted with homosexuality and who had no clue the parks would be overrun with gays of all types, will react with whatever knee-jerk reaction they have inbred to them (depending on their perspective, of course). Some will have open arms and smiles and some with shock and indignation. This Advocate article, to me, seems to blow the whole behaviour thing out of proportion, but I am sure there were a few disgruntle parents there, it would be a miracle if there weren’t. When we went we were offered positive comments of support and glee from straight and gay alike because of our t-shirts. We had great conversations with people in line wondering why we had pictures of each other as 10 year olds on our chest.

Our Gay Day shirts

I guess you could say we’re in the “Just here for fun and say Hi” category. After two years away, I am jonesing for some teacup ride.

Sex Ed From A Book

Personal Bits, Queer stuff

So I mentioned before that my Dad tried to have The Talk with me once, during a road trip to Toronto. Lets step back a bit and see exactly where I got the fruit of knowledge.

I learned about the mechanics of sex from a series of books so cleverly left out in the upper hallway bookshelf for all to see. It was similar to a collection of encyclopedias (really thin encyclopedias) that if my siblings caught me looking at, I would endure days of ribbing and head-knookies. Each tome touching on certain physicality of sexuality such as “Your Body”, “Romance & Love” and “The Act of Creating a Baby” or some such titles. The 5 or 6 books in total were called “Your Health Yourself” or something. The title evades me, but I vividly remember the pink/blue colour scheme and trippy, almost “Joy of Sex” style illustrations. As I type this, I just now realize that maybe my parents left them there for us to leaf through without hiding them or without comment to avoid talking about sex with us. Which is cool, by my standards, because they did try.

These books were where I started to suspect something was up with me. While there was no mention of homosexuality anywhere in the books, I can remember going through a mental checklist of all the things that were happening to me as an adolescent …and coming up short on a couple points.

The book mentioned the arrival of “Pubic hair” …Can’t wait!

The book foretold “Zits” …Gross, but oddly excited about it!

And then the book dropped the prophetical “the desire for female companionship and dating”. …Uh?

One particular passage insisted that I would start to invest more interest in girls and would want to spend more time with them. I remember sitting, staring at that particular part and delving deep into myself and coming up empty every time. Nope. No feelings there. Then I would scoot over to the line drawings of penises. Penii?

joysexI would hunt out other books too, like a particularly odd passage in Peter Benchley’s Jaws, where the lead character takes what his wife thinks is an abnormally long piss, bathroom door open while holding a conversation. Now, I don’t have a yellow hankie fetish but at the time I was fascinated by that part and would re-read it often. Partially because of the thought of a man airing his beans and sausage and because of the total lack of privacy the character seemed not to need while peeing. In a house of 5 kids brought up Catholic, to urinate without being shy was beyond imagination. I also recall a book that lived in our TV room for the longest time I think called “The Grizzly” or “The Bear” (an obvious pulpy Jaws rip off from the 70s) where in one chapter, the author describes a woman attempting to make love to a near-tamed bear with disastrous results. But the greatest, most obvious book that formed my emerging sexuality was discovered while wandering downtown Toronto on one of my father’s business trips. I discovered the Sexuality section of the World’s Biggest Bookstore and their copy of “The Joys of Gay Sex”. My mind was blown. I couldn’t afford it and if I could, I doubt I would have had the charcoal-drawn cahones to even attempt the transaction. So I spent many an hour reading it while keeping a sharp eye out for meddling shop clerks.

I would later on encounter “The Joy of Gay Sex” tome when my father left it on the kitchen counter for me. Suggested reading when he learned that I was going to a gay club in a near by city… “Just to dance!” I would explain.

Howard Hughes Invented a Bra For Me

Personal Bits, Queer stuff

I just scanned one of my flickr friend’s weekend pics and it made me a bit nostalgic for the days when SharkBoy and I use to run around like spies, tearing up the town.

However, would I say that the honeymoon is over, headed into our third year? I would say no.

Yesterday, SharkBoy took me to a movie. That in itself sounds staid but it was a mystery movie.

We were up early and our chores done and he got me showered and dressed for the early shows at AMC ($6 before noon!). We get to the theatre and I think “Cool! JCVD! That will be fun.” But no, he instructs me to purchase Beverly Hills Chihuahua.


“We’re getting into the Disney spirit,” He beams.

I can’t love him any more.

At 1130am, we had the whole theatre to ourselves. We made loud comments at the screen like Howard Hughes screaming at Jane Russell’s tits.

Weekend Update

Distractions, Personal Bits, Queer stuff, Toronto

Friday: Bond movie. I was worried that all the gadget porn on the screen (The British have full scale Microsoft Surface computers in MI6!) that people would be flipping open their own inadequate cell phones during the movie. Not one person did, and the movie theatre was packed. As well, no yappy people around us, which was good because this movie moves unapologetically fast so pay attention. I would have to say it’s better than Casino Royale, which makes it my favorite Bond film to date.

Saturday: We both got called into work. SharkBoy was pulling overtime while I had to shoot off an emergency press release for cheap 2 for 1 airline tickets to Australia. I got a day off in lieu so I was happy. I got back home to a big bag of laundry that bitched at me from the hallway the entire time I was on the Xbox.

“Clean me!”

“Fuck you! I’m nearly done this level!”

At 4pm, I walked past the bag of laundry, out the door, to meet SharkBoy and we went off to Imperial tattoo where the finishing touches are all but done on my Sci Fi back piece. Now that the robot is dark again after 10 years of fade, I want the astronaut a tad darker. But I’m going to take a break. The reworking we did was just 12 days after having stuff done so it was super painful. My back still feels like I was dragged behind an Arkansas General Lee truck for a mile or two.

Sunday: We did some selfish Xmas shopping for ourselves. SharkBoy got a belt, a hat and new gloves that popped a button 20 minutes away from the store. I got new gloves from Marks Work Warehouse. It’s obvious our styles are utterly different from each other when it comes to accessories. SharkBoy’s gloves are smooth black leather while mine are flashy white/gray/black skin tight workman’s gloves designed to grip tools. Neither of our gloves operate an iPhone, however. Sharkboy had to make concessions because it was those flashy gloves or the Baseball hat with the LED embedded in the brim.

We were going to head over to the Photogs for a housewarming party but their dog, Mickey, was ill and they cancelled last minute. I’m hoping he’s doing ok today.

Instead we sat at home with a good DVD: The History Channel’s Modern Marvels show about Disney World.

Did I mention we’re going back in June 2009 for Gay Days? No? Don’t you read We’ve rebooked the same hotel (Pop Century), same flights (WestJet) but with an extra day where we might spend at the Kennedy Space Center to look at rockets. But the meat of the week will be oggling bears at Tidal Wave and showing Prop 8 Supporters that Canada’s society hasn’t unraveled due to gay marriages as we wander the parks in our red shirts (I think we’ll be doing different red shirts per park this year). You going? Let us know!

Anyway, one thing I want to mention on the video was one park developer actually choked up when discussing Walt’s death nearly 40 years after his passing. That’s a hell of a boss to make that strong of an impression on a staff. Sort of like Jesusevlis!

That evening, we totally vegged further on the couch and watched bits of Bond films, Amazing Race and a touch of Clone Wars.

Things that made us laugh this weekend:

Impersonating Faye Dunaway. If you get the chance, watch Gia, one of Angelina Jolie’s first movies. Ms Dunaway plays a mumbling, scene chewing Wilhelmina Cooper. Possibly drunk the entire movie shoot. You too can play: mumble for about 20 seconds and then throw in a coherent clear laugh.

Bond Movie Effects Dummies: I’m pretty sure the effects department used the same cloth dummy for View to a Kill and Licence to Kill. Both dummies got thrown from a great height, both had their elbows and knees bend in impossible directions as they floated earthward.

Husband Meme

Distractions, Personal Bits, Queer stuff

Apologies to my single readers who sit there at their monitors with their bags of Collision Chips and Fantas while they wonder where their life went wrong as they look at blogs on the interweb and consider what to wear when they go to the next Bear bar night and oh god why can’t they find love why why por quoi???

From Gambrinous with Griffonage:

What is his name? Meesh to the family, Michel in Quebec (there’s already a Michele and a Michael in my family so he’s contracted to be contracted).

Who eats more? Me. But he eats more in bed.

Who said I love you first? Me. In his truck. I nearly puked.

Who is taller? I am when we’re standing in the tub.

Who drives most when you are together? He does. But I get bored faster. Mayblubablublabluuuu!

Who’s more sensitive?
I would say we’re equally matched. He’ll cry at movies, while I’ll cry at lottery ads.

Who does the laundry? I do. I expect a call from the police when ever he does the laundry because of his patience. He, however, folds.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Facing the bed from the foot, I sleep on the right hand side.

Who pays the bills? Our accounts are combined, but he does all the actual paperwork.

Who cooks more? I do. He’s a bit to meticulous when he follows recipes.

Who is more stubborn?
He is. Hands down.

Who is the first to admit they are wrong?
Me. I’d rather bask in incorrectness than fight.

Who has more siblings? I do. My four to his one.

Who wears the pants? We share a mu mu on Drunk Sundays. Clean up is a breeze.

What do you like to do together? Pretty much everything. He’s my best friend and husband. I’d not be all that interested if he’s not interested. I know that makes me sound like a creepy conservative housewife, but it’s true.

Who eats more sweets? He does, for medicinal reasons.

Guilty pleasures? Corn chips in bed.

How did you meet? Sly comments on chat. Then constant exposure due to both of us losing our 9-5 jobs.

Who asked whom out first? I asked him to come along with me to a lesbian bar outside the city. I wound up making out with another guy on the dance floor.

Who kissed first? It was mutual. In a truck. It was fun. Still is.

Who proposed? He emailed my parents for permission. He then sprung it on me in front of our campfire.

His best features and qualities? Have you seen his backside? Heaven. As for qualities: his anger, oddly enough. It reminds me not to take shit from people. And beneath that, there is a thoughtful, kind, smart person that thinks I’m pretty keen.

Art With Heart

Celebs and Media, Queer stuff, Toronto

Once a year Casey House asks artists to donate work to their annual Art With Heart auction to raise funds for their AIDS/HIV hospice here in town. Every year there’s been one piece that collectors will go ga ga over (last year it was a Ken Danby, donated shortly after his death) and this year is no exception: Who wouldn’t want a Attila Richard Lukacs hanging in their bathroom? And a steal at $750!

Two pieces in particular made my culture vulture turn a lumpy beak: Gum Blonde – a portrait of Madonna made entirely of chewed bubble gum and an abstract of lines and circles named Damn it Jim I’m a Doctor not a Magician. There are tons more at amazing prices all listed at

The Carlu, 444 Yonge Street, 7th Floor
Tuesday, October 28th, 2008
7:00 p.m. (sharp)
Valet parking will be provided

Free Public Previews
Ritchies Auctioneers, 380 King Street East
Tuesday, October 21st to
Friday, October 24th, 2008 (11:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.)

Reception and Final Viewing:
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.

Tickets $125 per person
To order tickets, please contact the Casey House Foundation
T: 416.962.4040 ext 236
F: 416.962.5595

Disclaimer: I volunteered my skills to concept, create and build the AwH website.

Wait. What? Am I Asleep Here?*

Celebs and Media, Queer stuff

Funny gays in the news!

From bsteward23’s blog comes a tip that McCain’s Chief of Staff is a Log Cabin Republican. Expect this story to burn up the bloggosphere for a few hours but much like the gay hooker plant in the White House press gallery, I bet this will not garner much attention outside queer blogs.

Meanwhile Canada’s own self-loathing, “I make dumb remarks on the internets”, right-winged openly gay motormouth (motorfingers?) is (supposedly) ousted from the Conservatives for making utterly useless comments on the bus beheading saying it could have been prevented with a good ol’ gun. Hey sometimes you gotta love Google cache.

I’m actually more amazed that George Michaels is stupid enough to be caught yet again with drugs. And he seems to be mixing his indescretions now, he was arrested in a loo. Where police had to be called to on a tip. Which says to me that he was in there for some time. Oh right, he was on crack AND pot. Time has no meaning.

*Post title from SharkBoy who uttered this to one of his “clients” who just wasn’t listening to what was coming out of their own mouth.

Forgetting Yourself

Queer stuff, Travel, You Stupid Dick

A story from our recent camping trip:

We had packed up the car on the last day of camping and said our goodbyes to the three women across from our site, offering up our remaining wood for them to use. We get into the car and start to drive away.

We almost got to the campground’s front gate when SharkBoy remembers the clothesline still hanging between some trees back at the site. How he did an inventory in his head of the car’s contents while he drove to the exit is a mystery to me. But it came to him in a flash and I had to jump out and hike back to our spot. It was quicker than trying to turn the behemoth of a car around and obeying the 3mph speed limit through the trailer park, crawling past glaring tenants who think you’re doing 4mph.

Back at the site, the women are deep in animated conversation and without comment I head straight to the trees to start untying the rope.

I’m considering using my teeth on one particular high up knot, concentrating all my will to get it to release itself and without thought, I fart.

Sometimes the only time you notice a noise is when it stops. I’m not talking about the fart, no. The lesbians had stopped talking abruptly.

Don’t turn around. Keep working that knot. Wind up the rope. Keep your eyes down. Get back to the car…

Saugatuck, MI

Hobbies, Personal Bits, Queer stuff, Travel

Five days roughing it in the wilds of Michigan!

“Roughing” is a cliché of course. Campit has heated pool, showers, family cabins and the prerequisite gay dance hall.

Our Home Away
Our Home Away

And the village of Saugatuck ain’t no slouch, either. I swear the value of holiday yachts actually increased despite the economy being toilety. The charm was still there and if I could, I’d retire there in a heart-murmur.

The Most Liberal Car in MI
The Most Liberal Car In Michigan

Things of note:

Evil Panda and Thor have a new dog that transcends “adorable”. Betty the Bulldog was well behaived and utterly cute with her lop-sided underbite.

Get In Close

Evil Panda and Thor transcend adorable together ( and on their own, of course).

Grand Rapids is a place i’d like to look around more. It has a cool university town vibe and that crazy sculpture garden is massive.
Kinetics in The Sun

When you come across a five storey bronze statue of a replica of a Da Vinci horse maquette, you basically feel awe.
American Horse
Big Horse

Bronze horse gonads the size of a Mark V torpedo is awe inspiring, too.

That's Impressive

Drug deals outside your tent at 4 am is a good sign that culture lines are blurring (camping & raving collide). It also was a sign that we were going to get little sleep due to intermittent stupidity. I don’t blame the campground, just the shitdicks who think drugs while camping is fun.

And finally, I really need to learn how to knit. Thor made me a present of a tea cozy and I’m totally wanting to take classes this winter and knit a robot sweater…

Tea time!

My complete photo set is here.

SharkBoy’s amazing photo set is here.