Category Archives: Robots

Robots! Doom! Robots!

Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy

Celebs and Media, Distractions, Hobbies, Robots, Tech, Toronto

What a day! I love this convention when it comes to town. It’s like straight-boy Halloween. I love seeing the fan built costumes lovingly recreated just for this day (I talked to an orange and white Clone Trooper who’s outfit was so detailed, it could have been used in any of the first three Star Wars movies. Okay, he was 6″ shorter than me, but hey…).

Fluffy heads
Alarming amount of Furries, fluffies and other sexual deviants. From iPhone to Flickr pics here

Hell I love the ones that just make you say “Uh. Ok. WTF?” Like the Brazilian-waxed girl dressed as Ivy (Batman villain) who really should have been called Cottage Cheese Thighs Girl. Or the poor kid in line ahead of us, wearing…I have no fucking clue… that would manouver himself towards anyone who had a decent camera. In the future, we shall all have 15 frames of fame.

Swag got: My Halloween costume (no hints, SharkBoy!), a gay GI Joe t-shirt, a cool Rock Em Sock Em Robots shirt and this delicious video below:

My Dad Is 100% Cool


He knows I love robots. God knows how he came across this video, but he fired it off to me this morning. I know it’s been around, but lets review in the roboty goodness of Bjork!

When this video first came out, I bet the IT department at Rogers hated me because I watched it 10000 times an hour. The “making of…” portion of Chris Cunningham’s DVD mentions that 90% of the robotic arms serving Bjork-bot are computer generated.

The milk is a nice touch.