Tag Archives: ipod touch apple used craigslist

Was That So Hard?

Personal Bits, Tech

After 4 weeks I finally sold SharkBoy’s 9mo. old, 8G iPod Touch. At a greatly reduced price, I might add.

It was in perfect working condition and was jailbroken to 1.1.4 so there was a ton of free apps available for it. Very appealing. But it seemed for every channel I tried to sell it through, for every possible nibble of interest, great excitement to purchase it was immediately replaced with ambivolence and apathy.

Before you hit “comment” and suggest I need a Tony Robbins seminar, I don’t think it was my selling technique. I was honest and straight forward with the facts, I didn’t embellish any info nor did I pump up any “excitement” about the device like Jobs does at his Apple conventions. I kept it neutral.

After the 5th time of a definite sale transmorgifying into a polite “no”, I became familiar with the exact point were the sale would go south: making arragements for payment. It was exactly like cruising for sex online in a Toronto chat room. All talk, no follow through.

I reduced the price several times, same results. This went on until SharkBoy demanded the next offer along, no matter how low, I take it. $100, cash. Bang. Gone within 12 hrs.

No matter, it’s been sold to an aquaintence who we mutually share a certain degree of trust. I hope he enjoys it!