American Dad Dissapointed

Celebs and Media


Amazing that Seth McFarlaine sold the idea of American Dad to Fox and Fox didnt even notice he had already done it! I guess he got lucky and didnt have to pitch the story to the same Fox execs that bought Family Guy.

I thought that American Dad wasn’t anything new. The only notable parts were the Paul Lynde alien and one moment when the German fish buried his face into the mother’s cleavage and she completely, nonchalantly pushed it away, like he did that all the time.

The rest was difficult to watch. Like Family Guy without the shocking or funny cutaway fantasy tangents.

I think Seth McFarlane should develop a series based loosely on Mary Tyler Moore but using monkeys:

“Eeee! Eeeeee!! OOO! Ooooh! Oh Mr Grant!!”

3 thoughts on “American Dad Dissapointed

  1. Livewire

    After watching the preview online, I near shat myself. I seriously thought it was a gag. I figured it was a dry run for a show that might get picked up for 2008. It looks like they made that cartoon in about a day, using leftover sound bites from the Family Guy voice tryouts. “Title, schmitle. Just type it out in Courier and overlay a bitmap of the American flag. We’ll fix it up later.” Blah. Ptui.

  2. salvage

    Didn’t see it but Ain’t It Cool News has a round up of reviews from various sources and that ain’t purty.

    I hope this doesn’t sour Family Guy.

  3. SharkBoy

    I love it… your little picture in the address bar by the http:// that is, not American Dad, I was fast asleep way before it started…

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