God’s Rottweiler

Celebs and Media

I was just following orders! I swear I never fired a gun because of my fat sausage-like fingers! But I did blow up some tanks. Sure I was de-Nazified when I was caught by the Allies, because in Christ we are all forgiven. Unless you’re a homo or a woman priest.

(I love how Wikipedia insinuates that he was so eager to get the papal robes on he forgot to take off his black pope-votin’ sweater! You get the tiara, you get the sash and after all the excitement is done, you realize you didnt kiss the second runner up!)

5 thoughts on “God’s Rottweiler

  1. Anonymous

    Water cooler joke for you:

    Do you know much about the new pope? He’s about this tall (put your finger under your nose) and he lives over there (throw out your other hand in a nazi salute).

    Do it with crazy eyes!

  2. Evil Panda

    Oh, and according to papa Ratz, if you get the shit beat out of you (or even killed), and your gay, it’s your fault. For being gay.

  3. SharkBoy

    do you think Elton John will re-write his 70’s song to go: BE-BE-BE-BENNY AND THE CHURCH to honour our newest pope?

  4. OralRobert

    DeadRobot – how *dare* you make fun of Benny16?
    Your penance: 4 Our Fathers and 3 Heil Hitlers.

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