

Via Furface, who I am sure is a reformed Catholic boy and had this site touch him in many ways. Incredible mail art mixed with mea culpa.

If any of you want to confess something without the hassle of sending sail mail, just click on the comment button below and post as “Annie Monomus”

0 thoughts on “Confess!

  1. Shawn

    I recently discovered postsecret, and I found it quite moving as well.

    It’s occurred to me to send a postcard or two his way.

  2. Anonymous

    Well now I am completely confused. Here I thought you were someone else via my Gmail account.

    Please send me nudes so I can confirm who you are.

  3. Furface

    While arty and amusing in a m-media kind of way I don’t recall pushing postsecret at you…

    And just for reference I’m a Lutheran Preacher’s kid – and as such have never confessed to anything!!