Fine Robo-Art


The site is a bit ad-heavy but has a great run of robots dropped into fine art (From BoingBoing) My fave so far.

Dom tells me that has three good robot posts: Recyled Robots, Cute Recycled Robots, and One Person’s Junk.

That should get me into RoboCub’s pants…

6 thoughts on “Fine Robo-Art

  1. Dead Robot

    I had Nemomatic in my “Robot of the Week” sidebar feature in the old blog design. I love his stuff!

    I should restart that feature…

    And if all it takes to get into your pants is a question, what does it take for you to kill a man for me?

  2. Robocub

    Ah good try, but sorry to say WoofDaddyWoofBoy beat you to the website. I’ve seen and now I can die peacefully. AMAZING beautiful robot sculptures. I wish I could do that when I grow up. Tip: next time just ask if you wanna get in my pants 😉

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