4 thoughts on “Off to the T-Shirt Hut

  1. Lew

    Agreed. The AT&T thing (check that… at&t… And GAWD I hate that they abused that corporate brand to make it so “hip and now” by going lowercase. I hope someone was canned for that) is totally ignorant.

    “Let’s come out with a great new product and limit it to a company that nobody likes! Show of hands?”

    That must have been an awkward board meeting for those with brains and talent to sit through.

  2. Dead Robot

    My first machine was a Mac Performa bought second hand. I’ve loved Apple all through the tough times and have been loyal customer (I even enjoyed selling the machines).

    But their partnership with AT&T (and presuming Rogers here, if the ever work out a deal) is like watching your divorced mom hooking up with an abusive drunk who doesn’t know how to deal with kids.

  3. Lew

    Mixed feelings. Clever, but I’m a Mac guy at heart since 1980 Apple II and Oregon Trail.

    I’m also leftist, so I appreciate the ideology.

    Torn between two lovers, feelin’ like a fool. As Mary McGregor once kinda sang. Red and white are such a strong tool though. Almost as strong a tool as Stalin, but without the trains to Sevvostlag waiting for travelers.

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