My Sister’s Barbies. Revenge.

Personal Bits

I woke up yesterday morning not able to turn my head to the right. I blame sleeping with a cat who I dote so much upon that I feel bad if I disturb their sleep. I estimate spent 90% of the night in the same position.

All day I walked around like a whiplash victim, unable to look at shop windows. I felt cheated. However, my ability to dance the Robot was greatly improved.

I’m feeling a bit better today, thanks. Heating pads, a hot bath (NSFW – semi nude fat hairy guy in a tub) and a steady diet of aspirins have got me twisting a bit more today.

The title refers to my ability to yank the heads off my sister’s dolls with panache and elan, while shifting the blame over onto my older brothers

4 thoughts on “My Sister’s Barbies. Revenge.

  1. Evil Panda

    My G.I. Joes would kidnap my sister’s Barbies and hold them for ransom. The dream house makes a kickass Joe Fort.

  2. SharkBoy

    One day, ask my Sis about her Barbies… If I didn’t chop their hair off, I would tie them behind my bicycle and go for rides… Napoleon Dynamite has nothing on me.

  3. Don

    Nice pussy there Mr. D.R.

    I also had a collection of my sister’s Barbie Doll parts under my bed. Thankfully it was not discovered until after had I moved out.

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