New Garbage, Same As The Old Garbage

The Bad, Toronto, You Stupid Dick

Dear Astral Media Outdoor:

Your garbage service, after less than a month, leaves so much to be desired. The “Oooh! Shiny” new factor wore off as soon as we saw where you were placing the new trash cans in relation to where people actually stand or walk. The one pictured below at Sherbourne and Carlton is close to 20ft away from the bus shelter. We all know the less enthusiastic will not bother shuffling over that far to toss a gum wrapper. Who did your product research? A pack of blind monkeys with hooks for hands?

Look, when the OMG people came to town at least they understood the amount of crap Torontonians love to throw away on a moments notice and made huge cans (bigger ad space!). Yours barely hold a Tims cup, diaper and a bus transfer. Oh and they emptied them on a regular basis, or at least recognized that your cans will need to be serviced more often. I realize this complaint may be better directed to the City itself, but surely someone, somewhere must have realized these cans are residential capacity, not public or industrial.

Same Old Crap

Same Old Crap

So in closing, Astral Media Outdoor, clean up your act. It’s worn thin pretty fast.

A Torontonian.

5 thoughts on “New Garbage, Same As The Old Garbage

  1. photog2/RodTO

    The best garbage cans are shaped like, garbage cans, with a big opening at the top. Not only these new ones are tiny, I don’t have too much faith on the way they are supported (by a pole). I am sure we’ll be seeing a lot of these collapsing before long.

  2. Dead Robot

    In hindsight, I should have written this love letter to the assholes who approved these make-work cans. Still, bad design is the responsibility of the designer, no?

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