Fan Expo 2009

Distractions, Gaming, Toronto

Hulk Smash!What an orgy of geek. This year the event seemed to have doubled in size, made evident by the crush between vendors in the main room. Too many sweaty nerds out there need to learn about Axe Deodorant spray. I think it’s time for the organizers to bite the bullet and increase the room size. I wonder if more “serious” attendees would show up if they did (like they do for Seattle – I’d pay to see 25 min of Avatar then dis it on my blog afterwords!) Don’t get me wrong – the Expo is my Xmas. I can only imagine how “inappropriate” my dwelling would look if I were allowed to shop, untethered to reality. How “single” I’d be with display cases of “action figures” littering all my wall spaces if I were to go consumer crazy in there. Not saying geeks are alone and lonely, but you don’t hear of a lot of them in successful marriages, do you? Knock wood.

To be fair, SharkBoy went movie poster mad this time around. We got posters for Rob Zombie’s new cartoon El Superbeasto (not listed in IMDB?) and AstroBoy. And somehow New Moon tainted that pile. Ew. Feh. Regardless of all that, it was fun.

We started out with breakfast with JTree and Sean and wandered over to the convention centre (their first expo, to which JTree joked being “excited and ashamed”). After the shock of the snakey line up to get in, we said adieu to the boys as they were going off to have personal and intimate time with Leonard Nimoy JTree looked nervous.

Tron BikeThe loot was incredible but in some cases, the prices were inflated. I guess the tables aren’t that cheap any more. Many a trinket was (not so) secretly coveted by me and we did our best to try to avoid the independent horror film hard-sellers. Alas, SharkBoy failed and was suckered into a 3 movie deal that rendered us unconscious on the couch 15 minutes into the first movie. Bye bye $20!

The costumes were great this year. So many more I couldn’t identify, making me feel old and out of touch, but intrigued none the less. My whole Flickr set is here.

5 thoughts on “Fan Expo 2009

  1. J Tree

    We had a great time — not ashamed one bit! I’m glad we won a $50 scratch lotto ticket so we could go to see Nimoy and Avery Brooks (who was amazing). I even bought a t-shirt.

  2. Dead Robot

    Cb :

    Oh, and I wonder if the Hulk dude wouldve posed with me the way I, erm, would have wanted…

    Dude… expand the pic and you’ll see bitch tits.

  3. Cb

    I’m totally excited about tron 2!!

    Oh, and I wonder if the Hulk dude wouldve posed with me the way I, erm, would have wanted…

  4. SharkBoy

    Remember that New Moon poster in January when it’s very cold outside and I use it to light up a nice warm fire in the fireplace. I’m sure you’ll be happy that I picked it up the August before.

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