Rough Weather Run

Personal Bits, Toronto

Toronto’s first storm and my first rough weather run turned out to be a challenge. The slush on the sidewalk was untouched at 5:30am so I had to be careful how I landed my feet as the soup was about 2″ deep in most places. The rain/sleet felt like bees getting a hate-on all over my earlobes and cheeks. I was soaked through my gloves within 5 minutes.

But the best was the trees.

Right by the Toronto Necropolis there are a ton of fir trees that generate a special kind of noise when the wind goes through them. A noise that stirs something primal, like an alarm for us to head back to the cave and tend to a fire, because the weather is going to be the suck. When we use to go camping the fir trees near our site would whisper the coming summer storms just like they were this morning.

Rounding the corner of Sumac and Wellesley Street, I nearly slip. My ankles have been complaining since starting this endeavour and I’ve not been pushing it, but to have one suddenly lop to one side in the slush worried me some. I walked a bit. When I started up again, everything fine until I came to a downed branch across the sidewalk. Easy peasy, I just hopped onto the road and passed it. Jumping back up onto the sidewalk my foot slid about 4 inches. I went with it but it spooked me good. Combined with the complete soaking my feet had experienced, I thought it best to go back in.

As an aside, I am starting to name the scraggly people I see at this time of the morning. My favorite so far is The Black Chicklette. She’s 5ft nothing and wears black tights, super puffy black coat and a black touque. Think: an evil, anti-Fruit of the Loom grape. Twice I’ve rounded a corner and she’s scared the shit out of me.

Stuff I could populate our apartment with list is growing!

  • 2 Toilets!
  • A wicker porch chair
  • A canvas patio umbrella
  • A double mattress
  • An office chair
  • A surprise luggage case (I didn’t open it)

2 thoughts on “Rough Weather Run

  1. Dead Robot

    StevieB :

    Good for you! Keep up the great work.

    Thanks S. I’m up to about 3K with almost a 1/3rd of it a gasping stumbling walk. Soon I will be running marathons in Kenya.

  2. StevieB

    The temperature in Denver, Co. this morning is -8F or -22C but, I cold until I read about you running this morning. Suddenly I’m freezing.
    Good for you! Keep up the great work.

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