Gotta Guess Them All

Art, Celebs and Media

Deviant Art is a fun place. So much talent.

dusty abell takes pen to paper and brings us a massive banner of (okay… breathe…  I can barely contain myself) AWESOME 70s TV sci fi icons (Brits tube included!). Click the image to go there and see if you can guess them all!

Logan's Run?!? AWESOME!!

8 thoughts on “Gotta Guess Them All

  1. Evil Panda

    Yeah, there was a live action Spiderman in the 70’s, which I recall fondly from my youth…once Hulk took off, Marvel licensed both Spidey and Cap for TV. The Captain America show was awful…He had a big motorcycle helmet as his mask, rode around on a ‘cycle fighting crime…it was stupid and didn’t last long.

  2. Sean

    Heehee! In researching that unknown dude…I thought it looked like David McCallum from Sapphire and Steel, but then he never wore an outfit like that and I didn’t know wtf he was doing with his left hand.

    Then I looked at David McCallum’s wiki entry and he starred in a 12 episode series on NBC of The Invisible Man.

    …then I looked closer at the hand and he is indeed pulling off a skin coloured glove to reveal nothing underneath.

    I’ve impressed even myself with that Scooby Doo moment.

  3. DeadRobot

    The only one I don’t get (and the artist is not telling in the Deviant Art thread) is the guy beside Jamie Sommers (beside the Bionic dog). Is he some sort of Brit sci fi star?

  4. Sean

    Just noticed the Planet of the Apes dude – he kind of blended into the background.

    Also, what’s the German Shepherd show??

  5. Dead Robot

    I don’t recall a live action version of Spiderman or Captain America from the 70s… but still AWESEOMEME!!

    Oh and Richard Benjamin from Quark? AWESOMENENEOEME!!

  6. Sean

    Robots of Death! Science Ninja Team Gatchaman’s God Phoenix! Cathy F’ing Lee Crosby’s Wonder Woman!


    Oh – and Space: 1999…

    …and THE MAN FROM ATLANTIS before he moved to Southfork. Sweet piece!

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