The Baron Harkonnen Calls For Me

Celebs and Media, Personal Bits

While in the shower this morning I noticed that I have three incredibly long eyebrow hairs growing erratically from my left brow. I immediately thought of two people:

My long dead grandfather on my mother’s side. The man had unruly eyebrows. Crows would fly from his forehead when he shouted. Howler monkeys screaming from his brow would interrupt dinner. The greatest lumberjacks would lose their way (still to this day) inside the forest of hair above his eyes.


Thufir Hawat, Mentat to Paul Atredies. If you haven’t read Dune, then you should know that Mentats are a sect of people who act as human computers, chemically enhanced so that their mental abilities are heightened. And, according to David Lynch, have big furry eyebrows, no doubt modeled after some scruffy film history professor from his past. While I don’t claim to be chemically enhanced smart (or even smart, naturally), I do like the idea of having bushy brows and being thought of as a person who may dwell in a musty library and spout crazy thoughtful things at youths.

I also have one chest hair that SharkBoy hates, who I call Brenda. Da renamed her Sophie a while back. I love her regardless of her name. She peeks up out of the top of my shirts and greets the morning sun with a hairy smile. This just makes me look like a cash-for-gold reseller.

2 thoughts on “The Baron Harkonnen Calls For Me

  1. The Mutant

    Ooh, the sound of those bushy eyebrows… WOOF – wait, is that event the correct term to use for a hirsuit brow? I dunno.

    I believe former Australian prime minister John Howard has the look you’re after – Google that shit and you’ll see what I mean.

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