Winner, Winner! Chicken Dinner!

Celebs and Media, Personal Bits, You Magnificent Bastard 6 Replies

I had one glass of champagne at midnight last night (this morning? Sounds decadent!) and2010 Canadian Weblog Awards toasted the new year. At 12:05, after getting drunken calls from in-laws, we crawled into bed and I fired up Twitter on my iPad to take my mind off the bed spins (cheap champers) where I was greeted with the announcement that this here blog won the Canadian Weblog Award for Best LBGTQ Blog! Colour me Verklempt!

I know I berated one of you dear readers into nominating me in the first place. To you, I say THANK YOU. To the rest of you who regularly read and take no actions, expect banner ads. Just kidding.

I am now going to get myself an agent and start hitting up Oprah for a spot on her show before she retires.

What to expect for 2011? More vertical integration! Videodrome-style ad implementation! Craigslist sex ads refugee stations! Coupons!

Seriously, thanks for reading! And congratulations to the other nominees, I honestly believed they’d win out over me.

Happy New Year!

6 thoughts on “Winner, Winner! Chicken Dinner!

  1. CathyK

    Magnificant! Congratulations! Do you get a plaque or trophy or key to the city? What a great way to start out the new year!

  2. Sylvie

    drunken calls from in-laws!! Apart from me, who was the only one not drunk at our party, who else called you Honey???

    Congrats on your award! It is great to know a celebrity!

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