Feeling Sorry for Reality TV Stars

Celebs and Media Leave a reply

Guilty as charged. I feel bad for Margie and Luke.

Luke melted down last night on Amazing Race during what looked like a simple tea tasting challenge in India, spiraling them back into last place. They had to match up a cup of tea they had tasted the night and country the day prior, in a massive room filled with cups of tea. This proved impossible for Luke and he spent most of the show crying in frustration. I feel bad because it’s a simple challenge that bested a good team, not the fact that he really should have a heightened sense of smell & taste, due to being deaf (I am kidding. No emails please).

Okay enough about that. While I feel bad that they’re knocked out of a race for a million dollars, they *did* manage to run a few good legs of a race around the world *twice*. So my feelings only go so far.

This morning I can’t help wonder what my “melt down” moment would be if I were on the Amazing Race.

Contestants must find the chicken with the prostrate cancer and deliver it to the village vet. But first, they must digitally examine each of the chickens in this massive pen of ten thousand hens.

Me, yelling at SharkBoy: “I CAN’T DO IT! THIS IS STUPID!! I HATE YOU!! SHUT UP! ARRRGGG!!”

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