“It must be weird…”

Celebs and Media

We’re tired and just finished watching Survivor (no suprises this week, really) and I don’t know how we got onto the topic, but I fessed up to never having seen Showgirls. Instantly, Sharkboy is on his feet and into the Vault. Zip! Into the VCR and we sit through the whole 2 hours and ten minutes of hooterboobies.

I am sure there are treatises out there about this movie. Was Verhoeven trying to make a feminist statement? Or a remake of All About Eve? Or did he swindle the studio into producing a soft core porn movie for mainstream distrubution?

And no American movie is complete without lipstick wearing, rampaging monkeys amongst bare chested women for a comedy break.

0 thoughts on ““It must be weird…”

  1. BusDriver

    WRONG.. there was one much gayer… gaier…..ga…..um err…. well anyways there was one who can beat your Coby in that area. Brandon from Survivor Africa. Least Coby could hold his own in challenges.

  2. Furface

    No, he was just about as gay as they come – short of a few smart drag outfits and all of his hairdressing tools.

    Another movie, with chimpanzees…

  3. Jim

    Oh, and I want Stephanie to win.

    And maybe you can tell me, the dude they kicked off the week before, could he be ANY gayer?

  4. Jim

    If a girl tells me her Aunt flo is in town I’ll take her word for it. I don’t need to dip in a pinky like I’m checking the oil in my car.

    I think he only made the movie because he was a huge fan of Saved by the bell. Child stars need to do more porn. I know if I had a chance to film Blair and Jo doing hot lezbo action I’d do it, even if it meant I’d be the laughing stock of Hollywood. You take the good, you take the bad, etc…

  5. Ade

    Joe, Steve, Skippy, Barrie and I played the deluxe DVD box set – drinking game of Showgirls last weekend. Every time a character says darlin’ or dance you must drink. Every time a dancer falls, Nomi hits a car or a man you must drink. Every time Mama flashes her tits and every time a stripper swings around a pole you must drink. We were all pissed within the first fifteen minutes. Try it and see. It’s bloody funny.

  6. daryl

    i must confess to never having seen it either. it seems like people worship that movie. i shall enter to chamber of shame now…