Finally Happy

Personal Bits

This morning at breakfast, SharkBoy looks up from his cretons and says:

“I can honestly say I’ve never been happier with my life.”

Verklempt, people.

I’ve been thinking about mine lately and not wanting to jinx it, but yeah I too have been thinking things have been groovy.

David Sedaris wrote:

Pat was driving, and as we passed the turnoff for a shopping center she invited us to picture a four-burner stove.

“Gas or electric?” Hugh asked, and she said that it didn’t matter.

This was not a real stove but a symbolic one, used to prove a point at a management seminar she’d once attended. “One burner represents your family, one is your friends, the third is your health, and the fourth is your work.” The gist, she said, was that in order to be successful you have to cut off one of your burners. And in order to be really successful you have to cut off two.

I would say that my Career and Friends are definitely on “low”. But without any kind of remorse or regret.

Of course, the job could be better, but it wouldn’t be called a “job” or “work” or “Mind numbingly stupid shit” then, right? The state of our home is where I want it to be, except maybe a new couch that’s more conducive to snuggling AND video game playing. But these sorts of things are just that… things. I’ve always thought of personal possessions as transitive, ever since my older brother took some of my Star Wars models and shoved firecrackers into them for a school video project. I consider new purchases “goals” and not rampant consumerism or greed.

Friends? My best ones don’t live in Toronto. The people I’ve forged the deepest trust and friendship with all live vicariously through Facebook or this blog (Hi Evil Panda! How’s the stilts coming?). When SharkBoy and I got married, we experienced a bit of a paradigm shift in friends but we’re making new ones and forging ahead. Again, I see friendships the same as consumerism: something ever shifting and changing.

Married life? I’m still having a blast and there’s no sign of that ebbing away. We finish each others sentences and not in an impatient way. We’re becoming The Twins on SuperJail.

7 thoughts on “Finally Happy

  1. Deadrobot

    J: you guys have been helping with that, cheers! We’re mulling over joining clubs or something to “get out there” a bit more. But with winter coming we tend to homebody more often than naught.

    PS: We chose “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs” instead of Dead Snow. Would love to go with you guys to it sometime…

  2. Deadrobot

    EP: show me show me show me!

    I’ve had a bit of a time trying to fur up the feet. The fur I chose (a long hair black) is hellish on any kind of definition – just looks massive. More Yeti than Werewolf…

    Video to come.

  3. Evil Panda

    I’ve finished my stilts! I need to do some tweaking, as I think I made the feet too thin, going to work on that today.

    Yesterday I went and bought the makeup/nose/ears/wig I’ll need for the top half. I just need to find a place that sells brown fur…all I can find in the local fabric stores is black.

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