What’s In the Suitcase? Day Twenty Seven


These are my shorts I’ll be wearing to the gym/running track on the ship. I think I could have included these with Day Twenty Two – with the running shirt. I’ve had these shorts for at least 15 years and I don’t know if I could stomach throwing them out. I got them from Rob – the gymnast I use to hang with when I was 40 lbs lighter and working at a gym. Meh. I could have added them but I have a feeling I may crap out of stuff to post before we leave! I’m all about content here at Dead Robot Heavy Industries.

Speaking of content, did you notice the new Dead Robot Shirt, over there to your right? Buy lots. I need to have some pocket money for the Blackjack tables. Originally it was a design for Evil Panda but I’ve modified it slightly for my own use.

Speaking of reusing… We just watched HBO’s Spartacus – Blood in the Sand and while yes, it was a rip off of Gladiator and 300, it wasn’t that bad. Bla bla bla soft core blood and booby porn, sure. But I have to admit I do like the art direction of it. The writing is atrocious too, but all is forgiven when the blood sprays.

Speaking of running: I haven’t seen anything new out on the streets lately when I go running in the morning – except this morning I saw an Xmas tree. Seriously. Jan 27th and someone is throwing out their tree. What their floors must look like, all covered in sap and needles… tsk.

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