Happy iPad Day!


Oh Jony Ive – what you have released unto this world… I’ll follow you into hell itself.

I keep on telling myself I need to wait for V3. But… so compelling. And a brand new Apple chip too!*

*Probably the major #1 reason why I should wait. Apple’s first chip? Lets just wait and see.

9 thoughts on “Happy iPad Day!

  1. Dyl

    I never got why people bought kindles and this is just a colour version.
    Completely underwhelmed. I’ll take a look at the next version to see if they’ve made it worthwhile.

  2. photog2

    Hmmm… It’s interesting but seems to be lacking a lot of features (multi-tasking, USB port, SD slot)… just a giant iPod Touch. I am sure there will be a million of them at the local Starbucks though.

  3. SharkBoy

    I’m sort of impressed… I love the way you can change the pages of the ebooks, love the new features for iPhotos, love how iTunes comes alive…
    Although we’ll have to wait much longer here in Canada to get one, I’ll probably be in line to get one. Maybe your birthday…

  4. Dead Robot

    I’m impressed enough to take a second look – when they come available. True I didn’t feel the WOW factor like I did when I saw the iPhone, but I’m liking the bigger screen and all that rot.

  5. Jim M

    Count me as underwhelmed. It’s neat, if I wanted to buy an eBook reader tomorrow I’d get an iPad, but it’s not revolutionary like the iPhone was.

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