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You all know I’m grooving on Uncharted 2 – Among Thieves and next up in my PS3 will be Ratchet and Clank – A Crack In Time. The demo looked promising if not a tad bit confusing with the duplicity tachyon thingamajigger, but the franchise hasn’t disappointed so far with all it’s gadgets and doo dahs.

Glee – Yes I’m part of the Glee club. I enjoy how every character is so very flawed. It reminds me of when I was in high school and I was deep in the theatre club yet hung around a Jock from the football club. I bet he got a lot of ridicule about that but he never showed it. Or I’m creating a drama in my head with fragments of memories.

On my iPhone, The NFB app operates like YouTube but you have access to thousands of Canadian film. You can watch streaming or download for a 24 hour period. Go watch all of Cordell Barker’s cartoons. “Stop shaking your eyes!! Why don’t you join some… shake rock n roll band?!”

For free, The app has a few time wasting gems within it but it’s a bit heavy on the boy bands, but meh, it’s free.

For drawing, I’ve downloaded PS Mobile (the free Photoshop App) and SketchBook Mobile Express. Both offer fun little doodly kind of image manipulations. I like how the Sketchbook mimics “pen pressure” and creates faux thick lines (dependent on finger speed?).

Music-wise, I’ve rediscovered Massive Attack. For all the times I heard it in the bar when Blair was bartending, I think I blanked it out. But it’s back in my iPhone. Still liking Holy Fuck too.

Things I’m not grooving on:

When marketing departments throw the word “imagine…” at you, usually in threes, and actually think you’re going to stop what you’re doing and “imagine” their promises coming true. “Imagine a world where…” Or “Imagine knowing when…” That kind of crap. Stop making me imagine stuff I don’t even want to imagine. Oh and bonus hate points for the announcer saying “EEmagine” not “I-magine”. It’s like an ignoramus saying “Eye-talian” but in reverse.

Using “Re-boot” to mean “re-making”. Battlestar got away with it and now everyone is using “re-boot” as an excuse for “We can’t think of anything new or clever.” Latest culprit: The rebooting of “V”. Utter crap rip off of Battlestar (hot chick villain, sex reversal in the main characters, resistance/religious themes) . It wasn’t even a good series back in the 80s so why try? As soon as they dropped the Nazi symbolism and we found out about the lizards the show was dull.  Which was about 3 shows in.

Still hating TV stations and Cable companies twisting facts and words to make us believe there’s an injustice going on within Big Media. I’ll tell you the injustice: having to sit through shitty CTV commercials while I’m watching Survivor on CBS. Fuck off Canadian Content!

3 thoughts on “Currents

  1. Dyl

    OMG. I can’t believe you dissed 80s V. I admit the series was shit (Dynasty with aliens) but the original mini was good. And the poor writer was aghast when they changed the ending (the heroes died) to the one they screened (that ridiculous mystic girl saving the day).

  2. Evil Panda

    Thor and I are both in the Glee Club as well. Jane Lynch deserves an Emmy for her performance thus far.

    The Original “V” has a hot chick villan too, IIRC. I’m not watching the new one, as I already watch way too much TV.

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