Rainy Days and Sunday

Hobbies, Queer stuff

Back from camping at The Point (pics and comments past the link). First and maybe the last one of the year. SharkBoy, the Mailman and I met up with Normlr and Q for some year end drinking. They do have a lovely trailer with a distinctive colour. And possibly the largest bathroom I have ever seen in a trailer. Really.

Poor Normlr and Q. Being new to The Point they were mauled by certain individuals who’s desperation in getting their rusty, fat loud-mouthed hooks into fresh meat made me feel embarrassed for all parties involved. While we enjoyed watching the Seasies (the year end “Best Of…” show for the campground), one certain seasonal camper decided that behaving like a drunken construction worker from Italy was “fun” and “ok” and that grabbing the Boys’ ass like they were Amsterdam’s Red Light District’s finest. Not cool.

We pointed them to the “good guys” and if they decide to stay as seasonals next year, they’ll be in good hands. I hope they had a good time!

6 thoughts on “Rainy Days and Sunday

  1. Phronk

    I’m always amazed at how big most trailers are on the inside. It’s like they warp space to be bigger inside than out. Maybe they do. Maybe they do.

  2. Normlr

    We had a deliciously lovely time and enjoyed spending time with you guys – even if I couldn’t have the kind of sex I wanted by the pool.


  3. Pingback: Sharkboy » Blog Archive » No Sex Of Any Kind In The Pool Area

  4. andrew

    foolish robot, you missed the cabbagetown festival. it was going on outside your windows all weekend long.

    we were trying to come up with a new name for it but nothing seems derogatory enough to stick.

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