

One of the earliest toy memories I’ve ever had was a barn with animals, which was the first time I can remember getting a gift where I said to myself “WTF?”. I also got a flashlight that would double as a Hanna Barbara film strip projector. The flashlight batteries died long after my interest in the barn. Moo.

One year I got my own bike. No small feat for the youngest in a hand-me-down family of 7.

I’ve told you about the Big Trak.

After my religious hajj to Star Wars (8 times the summer it came out), I would get model after model of space cruisers, battle ships and star destroyers. In my tiny bedroom, the fumes killed off most of my brain cells. I would hang the damn things from the ceiling and line them up neatly on shelves to gather dust and discolouration.

My last big hurrah of a gift as a kid was an Atari 2600. After that it was like I had matured and would get socks and shirts every year. Not that I’m complaining. I’ve had a banner year for gadgets this year and I’m quite happy for it.

I’ll be away for the season so I want all of you, dear readers, to have an excellent holiday, no matter what or how you celebrate it.

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