Inherently Good

General, Personal Bits

I get to wellesley subway station yesterday, to find that the goof in the booth has fucked off somewhere and left a sign saying “Please pay fare and enter. Back soon”. I only have $5 on me and those wonderful new machines the TTC has painstakingly installed everywhere still dont take fivers so I waited. I waited like the good post-catholic boy I was brought up to be. I actually felt embarrassed standing there: white middle aged guy not hopping the gate, like I expected everyone else to be doing. then I started to watch the crowd entering the subway. Of the 25-30 people I watched, only two didnt pay. that is, they might have had a pass but made no effort to take anything out of their pockets: zip, right through. I wont sully their race’s good name by mentioning their ethnic backgrounds. One pair of do-gooders armed only with a $5 bill like myself crammed the whole bill into the slot and were out $0.50. After a while the goof in the booth came back and thanked me for waiting.

Today…the same time, same subway station, same situation. No goof in the booth, and me armed only with a $5 bill. Fuck it. I went through.

Im not too sure what I am trying to prove with this blog. weather people are inherently good or bad but I do have to say that I am always suprised at acts of intelligence and politeness. am I bitter? probably. fuck you for noticing.

Things I wanna say:
Current CD in player: The Best of the Style Council
Current book beside toilet: On the Trail of The Space Pirates
Current Game in PS2: Ratchet and Clank (first one)
Current Gameboy Game: Mario Kart
Current Fave food: Tuna fish subs from Subway
Current time I find myself cursing myself for not going to bed sooner: 12:30am
Current gauge: 8 (still)
Current voltage: 220