Tilt Shift Video


I know one person (a Photog) who will enjoy this video:

Metal Heart from Keith Loutit on Vimeo.

Also, the song used in this clip I’ve posted here before (and is still in high rotation on my iPhone).

Disclaimer: I know I’ve posted pretty much nothing but video in the last week. If I had a new computer at home, or a laptop, I’d be more inclined to work on that. Instead the clunker I have has become so slow and bloated (the side panel is permanently off so I can oil the video card fan) that clicking open iTunes or PShop is an adventure in patience. That might change come this holiday season (note the sounds of hints hitting the marble floor).

2 thoughts on “Tilt Shift Video

  1. photog2

    I love this! I saw one of a beach scene, makes it all look like miniatures, really cool! Now if I could get my hands in one of those lenses… Does anyone have $1649.99 to spare?

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