Category Archives: Robots

Robots! Doom! Robots!

New Found Media

Hobbies, Robots

Some of you might have seen this stuff before but what the foosh, eh? Here are some videos I made in New Media School that show of my 733T skilz…

Andrew was my first ever experiment with drag n drop video/sound mixing

Rent a Life is my first and only Blue Screened experience

Deadrobot and Robot are a couple camera sweeps over my ever faithful mascot. I love how his aerial dot stays in place…

Day of the Robots

Hobbies, Robots

My American cousin sends hope of robot parking garages.

Boing Boing posts an amazing showreel of robots policing work for South Africans (yeah the same guy who did the Thriller dancing car, but go past that. Wicked cool). And a new addition from the same guy – TempBot (Keep an eye peeled for Wonder Woman!).

Sony makes Qiro and Aibo fall upon their swords (better article on the whole “death of the robot age” from the Beeb), but promises to continue research. Meanwhile, Beck hires Qiro to work in the entertainment industry (Flash site. Ugh. Choose “Video” and “Hell Yes”). There’s always that lummox, Asimo.

Andrew will love this. Having to interact with one would smack of a jarring scene from a William Gibson book.

Patlabor is one step closer to becoming reality.

And I noticed that Robosapien 2.0 has better hands and more farting options than his predecessor.

Please Help.

Robots, Tech

I am channeling a weepy pleading Sally Struthers when I say Please send me to Japan.


I guess Apple is going to sue since it’s called “iFoot”.

(Photo via getty images via via right clicking.)

Parlour Tricks


Hey! Lookit me! I can ...uh...For the last 5-7 years, various overseas companies have been holding press conferences and rolling out their robots to fan dance, run or wisecrack with reporters. This one claims to be the most advanced so far, by virtue of being connected to a server by wireless high speed.

While this is very Hollywood I, Robot and the best way for a robot to have access to massive amounts of storage it would need to “learn” using current technologies, it’s still just parlour tricks.

I get kinda embarassed, anthropromophically, when I see these poor little metal and plastic midgets paraded out in front of the press. These robots are just puppets, and I yearn to see some humanity in them other than what is placed into them by sweaty, uncreative programmers. Press conference when the ‘droids can hold their own, not their creator’s hands.

“I will see you again next time when I will have become wiser!”


Celebs and Media, General, Hobbies, Personal Bits, Queer stuff, Robots, Toronto, Work

Hello. I’m not good at introductions. I generally do the cop out thing and say “Introduce yourselves” when I have to do 2 or more people standing about. So mumble under your breath your name and say Hi.

Okay so this is my first blog. I haven’t a real exciting life. I collect robots and I run another site called Dead Robot, which I should update much more often than I like. I’m a culture vulture and will use any excuse to watch tv or bad sci fi at any given moment. I think that’s all I’m gonna reveal right now…if you read on you will get the gist of who I am. If you click on the stuff at the side you will be dissapointed.