Back From Calgary

Personal Bits

Back from Calgary! What was the land of “scared white, right winged rednecks” like? The first thing I encoundered was a guy grunting in the washroom stall next to me after I got off the plane.

I met a Hutterite. Think Mennonite but with relaxed attitudes. He was fucking hot…he had a unkept chinstrap of hair and a great weird accent and sold me some tomatoes. His ill-fitting suit (probably cut from the same template from generations passed down) just made him all the more attractive. I could tell he had great legs through his pants. He had big calloused hands that I wanted on my backside. Grrr

I saw a moose on Saturday. It wasnt as big as I expected and I guess TV has desensitized me to their actual greatness (I think it was an adolescent moose, its antlers wernt very big). We skidded to a stop and sat there in stunned silence for a nanosecond…then “Where the fuck is the camera?!” and “Moooose!!!” It trundled back into the woods right after that. I feel great about that.