I love you George F Walker

Celebs and Media, Work

I got to be in the last episode of This is Wonderland today! That is, the last one if The Ceeb doesnt pick up the series for another season. At least, I think they will, its been getting good reviews.

The best part of today was hearing three different comments on how good my brother was. These were unsolicited comments from extras and background people who didnt know I was family. Im rather proud of him and ever so slightly jealous. But then I think “Bet he can’t code a website.” My first appearance is in episode #8, showing the last Monday of this month. I think this was episode #13 we shot today. Not sure how much of me you will be able to see, Im the middle duty counsel right beside the court police rep. Im wearing a new suit, thank you.

Mike tells me one of the writers has stumbled across this site, and if you are reading this, George F Walker, or Dani Romain: make sure my brother Mike gets good lines. Make him sound good, ok? Oh and how about this idea for the second season: James Ryder has his brother come camp out in his office for a few episodes, nearly pushing him back to his nervous breakdown state! Because the brother looks like a biker! With tatts and a handlebar moustache! Hijinks ensue when the biker brother turns out to know more about law than James and wins the respect of the whole office! Hijinks ensue! Wouldnt that be cool?

ROTC is becoming interesting. I was extremely worried that I would not be able to pick up the routine and be the “weak link” of the group but there are people with less skill than myself. Then again, I have a super teacher who showers me in compliments and help. For some reason Ive become Big Ted (well I know the reason but I cant say what it is right now), my first ever group-based nickname. Im all tingly!