Personal Bits, Tech

The Shuffle and the Mac Mini are hardly unexpected, what with all the lawsuits Apple has been handing out like they were XP Windows Updates. Already GAB has called the iPod Shuffle the “iSuppository”.

But why do I want them so?!? Is it the Sans-Serif font on all their product? The clean design? The fact that I find Steve Jobs sexy (for his brians, only, of course)(though, I bet he’s hairy under that turtleneck…)(where was I?)?

I am thinking, however, that my Da would like the Mac Mini, to get him off the 500mhz Aptiva he’s on right now. Its so slow and buggy, you’d think you were using a 486 on a 14.4 modem. He already has a flatscreen monitor. And the “service calls” I get when I go over for free dinners would be reduced greatly (you know the ones: “I dont know where the camera downloaded the pictures to” or “My email is broken” etc). iLife would solve lots of his worries. Hmmm…..

0 thoughts on “OHMYGODAPPLECRAP!!

  1. Anonymous

    Now you need the Mac Mini to Mac Manage your Mac iPod Photo. You will enjoy it. Its trendy freedom behind a click wheel.

    Why do I feel like if you ripped off Steve Job’s head you’d find Ronald McDonald?

  2. Britchic

    Ok, I broke down and bought a ipod photo on eBay… Actually got a good deal on the sexy beast… what did I do before my beloved ipod came along you ask…?
    I don’t remember, I was too busy reading the “you have to read me” advertising on the streetcar &/or subway. Or pushing my way through all the numbskulls that won’t more passed the rear doors as it means that they won’t be able to get out first when we stop…. Arrhhh!!! tha’ good old TTC