Cheap Spring Break


I’m on my way to my character voice class seminar (it was ok, heavy on the science and training of the voice, light on the character-making) and I’m on the 506 along Gerrard to Broadview. At Parliament and Gerrard, a boisterous family (I’m assuming – could have been summer camp. Dont know dont care) of 6 get on with a huge pizza box. The car is fairly full so they are forced to scatter themselves over a few seats with two standing. Mom breaks out the pizza and they all start to chow down. Nothing like family dinners around the ol’psycho passenger! I’m sure a few of you out there find eating on public transport vaguely embarassing. Not for this group. They devoured that pizza like a pack of hyenas at an abandoned gazelle carcass.

After leaving the class, I’m on the 504 streetcar, southbound to Gerrard. 6-7 twenty something girls are in the back couple rows passing around a small bottle of water. They’re discussing the best way to make a fruity drink and do you remember when Angela puked and that was funny and she went home with that guy who held her hair and god that was embarassing, and it’s then that the smell of schnapps from the water bottle hits me. I remember my first drink!

TTC! The better way for family/friends to bond!

4 thoughts on “Cheap Spring Break

  1. Lex

    Thanks – I’ll keep an eye on them. These days we head up about once every 6 months for an evening of improv. But there was a time where every Sudnay we were at the Poor Alex for Theatre Sports… ah the good old days.

  2. Dead Robot

    Bad Dog Theatre on the Danforth, by Broadview ( It was a one-time seminar that really should have been split into two classes: intro and advanced. She sped through some of the good training stuff. But it was cheap and I enjoyed most of it. I think they’ll be doing more soon.

  3. Lex

    I agree with Andrew – the college/carleton car is a great ride.

    But let’s get back to this character voice class – where and when? Nosey Lexas Wanna Know.

  4. andrew

    the queen streetcar gets all the raves, but i love the gerrard/carlton/college run for the variety. for the out-of-towners, it provides the opportunity to sample little india, little italy, little portugal, a smallish little vietnam/koreatown, the developing industrial/residential mishmash of the approach to roncesvalles, and two different chinatowns. i had half the day off today and bought groceries in three of the above neighbourhoods. i hope they bought their pizza at my current favourite pizza place, supermodel pizza, out west of dufferin.

    wear a walkman, watch the freaks.

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