Just Resting, Thanks

Queer stuff, Toronto

I just saw an ad for Steamworks “Gym” on the subway. I airquote Gym because it’s main money draw is its gay sex bath house area (private rooms, steam room, showers etc), not it’s gym facilities. Maybe they’re trying to change their image? Maybe I’m getting old and conservative but I thought it weirdly inappropriate.
The ad boasted images of unobtainable male bodies and fancy schmancy plumbing fixtures (’cause that’s the number one thing I look for in a gym) and it gives the old sex club an aura of respectability, for a gym. But The Steamworks is as much a gym as Rick Mercer is a politician. The ad made me wonder if the guy in charge of marketing was on Tina and poppers when he came up with the idea to advertise on the subway.

I’m all for equal opportunity ads but I don’t see a lot of ads for straight sex clubs on the Teet.

13 thoughts on “Just Resting, Thanks

  1. SplitRail

    Oh sure. Next you’ll be telling me that “The Romans” wasn’t a colosseum, the “St. Charles” wasn’t a monastery and Jim Caruk doesn’t hang out at the “Tool Box”.

  2. Threnody

    Actually I think crank is a much better word for it. Actually sort of describes what (I hear) it does to you. I’m using it (the word) from now on.

    In the same vein, more people should be calling coke “blow”

  3. hockeyfan960


    There’s no need to put hockey arenas in the same area as sex clubs….

    Just because uniformed men skate around chasing other uniformed men with sticks and no teeth….Ummmm

    Maybe I will just stop there….

  4. FurryWolf

    ah, aka as CRANK where I am from..and if you partake of it often, you are a CRANKSTER. Ex partner #1 had a two year ’bout as a crankster when we lived in California in the mid-80’s. Thanks for enlightenment and lol..poo on the Crystal Light. Water or Diet Pepsi/Diet Green Tea for me(the US versions with Splenda, not the Nutrasweet/Equal/Aspartame Canadian versions). BTW, will ask said steamworks dude about the new ads, or maybe as Mr. Steamworks as the leather brunch Sunday at the Firken.

  5. FurryWolf

    Excuse my lack of “au courrant-ness” what is Tina? A guy that works at Steamworks plays in the volleyball league and he has given out free locker passes on many occassions…me thinks that their business has waned and they are trying new angles to improve the cash flow…but purely speculation on my part.

  6. Dead Robot

    Last time I was in Ballys or Good Life they didn’t have small cubicles for sex. Oh sure a gym is a straight pick up joint just as any other place on the planet is (grocery stores, library, bus, etc) I’m just wondering why a bath house needs to dupe some poor sap on the subway to come into it’s facilities under somewhat false pretenses.

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