Warning Letter


To: dr@deadrobot.com

From: thawscoming@renu-u.com

Date: 2015.03.02
Subject: Late Payment – Opening Enables Tracking
Dear Mr Robot,

It has come to our attention that your last two payments for your Nicey Icey Superior Storage Fees has been returned to us NSD. We here at ReNu-U want to ensure your future longevity by continuing to provide superior cryogenic protection of your stem cells. Of course, without consistent payment coming from your PLC we are put in a difficult position.

As you know the Longevity Act 902c states that we are to give you 6 months notice before termination of our services. At that time we are in full rights to sell your stem cells to markets overseas or to inferior third party medical research centres. We would not want you, as a valued client, to experience DNA harvesting and be unable to continue your lineage as nature meant it to be. Please be advised that we are in full rights to inform you that your payments are 2 months in arrears. We have also leagally placed a section of your markers up on eDNA.com to initiate sale of your cells, if you are unable to provide us with full payment.

If you have helioed your payment already, please delete this message (be assured that in deletion, we are in full rights to monitor your deletion).

Thank you and Long Life!

Fatima Johanneson
Accounts and Retention
Prefecture RickMercer #7
Toronto Prime, District of Ontario

2 thoughts on “Warning Letter

  1. Busdriver

    But what wud U do with an army of improv comics that are into cutewithchris.com ???
    Laugh your enemies to death I suppose.

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