Questionable Movie Tag Lines


Just imagine the poster art:

How far would you go… to kill someone?

Can six horny frat boys… find love?

What kind of love… kills for sport?

Who do you turn to… when your identity is stolen?

Can you find your heart… when the world collapses around you?

Who is the murderer… when they all say they did it?

When time slips away… will you be able to hold on?

Who can save you… when you can only save yourself?

Where the universe ends… can you continue?

When science fails… can the soul persevere?

When you’ve discovered yourself… can you discover love?

Can you survive… the coworker?

13 thoughts on “Questionable Movie Tag Lines

  1. B

    The flip around is a classic!

    I recall when the film “Stigmata” came out (awful–saw it in the theatre–only funny when you see Patricia Arquette possessed by the Devil, shuffling around in hooker shoes, muttering Latin) the original slogan was:
    “It will scare the Hell into you!”

    Which, in hindsight, was the only good thing about the movie. . . and they got rid of that slogan and went for something much lamer.

  2. Dead Robot

    daryl, I figure that movie was just waiting to be made. And I like your tag line!

    Evil, I made these tag lines while daydreaming about movies I’ve already seen. Love stories or extreme action movies seem to work the best.

    Eric, what? Sorry, your first comment was swallowed up by my Spam-Fu.

    B, nice. The flip around is always a good formula.

    Brian, I’ve always been on your blog roll under “Funny”. Am I no longer funny to you? do I not amuse you any more? Am I not your puppet?

  3. erik

    Oh, I can imagine the trailer:

    1. A tagline appears accompanied by “doom” sound.
    2. Screen goes dark.
    3. One second clip from movie.
    4. Screen goes dark.
    5. Go to 1 until one tagline is left.
    6. Each word of last tagline flashes individually onto screen accompanied by “doom” sound.
    7. Screen goes dark.
    8. Portrait of “The Coworker” slowly fades in.
    9. Release date accompanied by “doom”.

  4. erik

    I can imagine the trailer:

    1. A tagline appears accompanied by “doom” sound.
    2. Screen goes dark.
    3. One second clip from movie.
    4. Screen goes dark.
    5. Go to 1 until one tagline is left.
    6. Each word of last tagline flashes individually onto screen accompanied by “doom” sound.
    7. Screen goes dark.
    8. Portrait of “The Coworker” slowly fades in.
    9. Release date accompanied by “doom”.

  5. salvage

    On my list of projects to do for fun I want to make a whole campaign for a Red Dawn remake.

    I would imagine the movie to be bigger, more violent and jingoistic than the original with it set firmly in the 80s.

    The teaser poster would be a hand and forearm of a dead Soviet solider, his AK-47 just outside of his grasp. The letters “w” “o” “l” “v” are spray painted over the hand, gun and ground going off the page.

    Haven’t come up with a tag line I like yet.

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