Pride Toronto 2007

Queer stuff, Toronto

This is a thousand monkeys working at a thousand typewriters. Soon, they’ll have finished the greatest novel known to man. (Reads a page) All right, let’s see…”It was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times?” You stupid monkey.

–Montgomery Burns, The Simpsons – Last Exit to Springfield

Here’s my multimedia of the weekend! Please note, not all pics are safe for work. One dick shot, a couple boobies.

The Best of Times: Pictures of friends, fun shots and fabulousness.
The Bears of Times: Self explanatory. Bears!
The Blurst of Times: Stay home. No, really.

Watch as SharkBoy and Scoundrel show us how great they move after a few beers…

This was a great Pride for me. I didn’t feel pressured to do anything other than people watch, which I loved. Thanks for the Photogs for letting us tag along on their Photo Safari Sunday!

5 thoughts on “Pride Toronto 2007

  1. andrew

    i saw a few of the same people in my short time out. i liked the guys on the spring stilts (there were two of them that i saw) and that lesbian who always has her standard stilts on every year, too.

    i saw a ton of old cbc logo shirts – was there some sort of float from thirty years ago by the cbc in the parade?

    two themes i noticed that didn’t appear in your pictures: lesbians in basketball jerseys (?) and queers of all sorts wearing too fucking many t-shirts screaming with tacky logos for crappy clothing stores. ugh.

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