9 thoughts on “Husband = The Best!

  1. Furface

    I’m so out of the loop – I thought you needed to pee then…

    Rami the photoblogger is a Wii guru ain’t he?

  2. Normlr

    And I din’t have to hint once!

    Let me guess, not once but 100 times?

    Wii store works for me, but there’s not a whole lot there other than old games. Plus you need to buy the classic controller for a lot of those too. Yet more $$$.

    Tupperware party sounds cool. I’ll hire the strippers and bring the fondue.

  3. Dead Robot

    My birthday is later (25th). I got my gift early so that while Sharkboy was away visiting his mom, I’d be OCD occupied.

  4. Dead Robot

    So many newbie questions… Like: is the Wii Store available for Canada? If so, why does my console just hang when I access it?

    I’m all for the get together idea! What games should I get? Is this like a Tupperware party kind of thing?

    I found out last night that I could “record” my games since I had the Wii connected via my PVR. I played back Sharkboy getting his ass pwned at Golf so many times.

  5. Normlr

    I found that game to be very disturbing when I first started playing. But the creepiness soon gave way to fun the first time I blew someone’s head off. I still screamed like a girl when Mr. Chainsaw came running after me.

    If you’re interested in a totally immature, geeky, get together renting and trying multiplayer games let me know. Q doesn’t play it and I can’t even get him to try, even though I bought an extra controller and everything.

    Is it your birthday yet?

  6. Dead Robot

    I saw the wheel, haven’t seen the video. Must. Go. Find.

    He’s taking off for three days and this is his “chastity belt” for me. I said when he comes home he’s going to find me covered in cheesie powder, sitting in my own filth, playing Resident Evil 4.

  7. Don

    On CNET they have a video of the new Wii controllers. Very cool. A new motion sensitive steering wheel and the nunchuck thangs which looked like allot of fun. Umh, just make sure you have lots of room to play in.

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