
Celebs and Media, Tech

…which is Internetese (like it? My new word meaning “I speak…”) for “I have a very good graphics card”.

I have been playing with this for a couple days now and I am suitably impressed. The channels are growing, slowly, but are diverse enough to keep me interested and coming back. The ads are unobtrusive and for the most part, are able to be hidden or skipped. I am sure if I had some kind of streaming appliance to my TV, this would make the whole experience much more enjoyable. I’m still not sold that people would watch their 2-3 hours of daily TV intake on their computer monitors.

Technically, it’s impressive. In full screen mode, my P4 processor, 700++ of RAM and 256 vid card chugs a bit. I’d hate to see it on Sharkboy’s 1G iMac. Choose video. Pause it when it opens. Watch it in a few moments. The quality is Internety (like it? My other new word meaning “pixelated, but acceptable”) and the sound is good.

The service is invite only right now. I have a couple slots. Interested people should put their names in the comments.