Moment Ruined


Starbucks at lunch, and a woman holding the frail arm of her ancient father, shuffles in and sits him down at a table near by me. She loudly promises to come back after getting his tea and instructs him to sit tight. He’s old. His mouth is open and he’s got that 1000 mile stare going on. He barely moves while she’s gone.

When she returns she coos and fusses over his tea and makes sure he can see that the Barista has put ice in his drink so it’s not too hot. Shakily he sips from the cup and as he’s drinking, she takes out her laptop and fires it up.

“Nice,” he croaks, when the serene Windows meadow desktop image comes up. I’m getting somewhat choked up at this point. He doesn’t seem at all ‘with us’ and I feel a bit for the woman. “Yes, pretty!” she says brightly.

A few clicks and she’s logged onto the internet and has opened up Skype. She’s attached a webcam on the top of the screen and she’s dialing someone. “We’re calling Sara! Right here!” she excitedly tells her father. At this point I’m making assumptions, the woman looks to be in her late 50s, and the ‘father’ is older than god himself. I’m assuming Sara is her daughter.

She full-screens Skype when Sara answers. She’s holding a child! Lord help me, I’m in the middle of an AT&T ad. My throat tightens. I know what is coming…

“LOOK!” The woman points at the screen, “Your great grand daughter!” All of their voices are raised in happiness, the woman and Sara gawk at each other and wave. I’m reveling in technology and how, when it works, can make heartwarming moments like this happen.

“Huenghh!” says the man.

“Hi Mom! Hi Grandpa!” Sara says, tinnily through the laptop speakers, hoisting the child higher, “Can you see her!”

“Muh! Muh!” says Grandpa.

At this point I’m holding back tears. The old guy’s face is more animated than ever.

“How are you doing, Sara?” the woman asks.

“Oh he’s pooped everywhere! I mean over the blankets, the change table, everywhere.”

The tears in my eyes abruptly stop.

As I’m leaving, the last thing I hear from the woman is her scolding her dad: “You can say something, you know. They can see AND hear you.”

6 thoughts on “Moment Ruined

  1. SharkBoy

    touching indeed… but just why couldn’t they do this at home, from their own living room instead of a crowded coffee place?

    What? You’re going to consult your iPhone before answering?

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