Post Shooters

Celebs and Media, Hobbies, iPhone

Last night at the gym I had to work out beside two women who just would not stop talking. Trapped! They went across a wide spectrum of topics including spiritualism, dating, hair, dating, best friends boyfriends, psychics, cuteness, masculinity and dating. Best line: “He was French. So you know he wasn’t super-masculine.” Thank god SharkBoy didn’t hear that. Nearer to the end, the most talkative one asked “What’s your name again?”

I got a movie from a bin at my favorite video store called “Flight of the Living Dead” and thought “With a title like that, I am pretty sure that Meryl Streep wept when the script passed her by.” The tag line was “Outbreak on a Plane” and I think pluralizing the “outbreak” would have been a bigger wink to Samuel Jackson. For a crap zombie flick with all the quality of a made-for-SciFi-channel movie, it was a-fucking-mazing! It was as bad as you expected and yet so much more! All the cliches were there: a nun, a skanky air hostess, a good air hostess, a cop and his prisoner doing their best Odd Couple shtick, a “last flight before I retire” pilot, a mile high club scene interrupted by a zombie attack and marital drama saved by death. Please. Rent this movie.

I walked into my local pizza joint and the guy behind the counter says “Hey! iPhone guy!” That kind of freaked me out because I didn’t have it on me at the time.

Speaking of iPhone, Normlr (who like me, is a bit strapped for time to post. Pity), sent me screen shots of his new Crackberry. Too Cute! Yes, that is a screenshot of Kath and Kim. If you don’t know who these two are, I feel sad for you.
Blackberry 1
Blackberry 2
Blackberry 3

I’ve finished my first Xbox360 game: BioShock. In terms of engine, it’s uses the Unreal Tournament style of third person shooter, but for graphics, Hol Eee Poop! I loved how the story unraveled and the twist near the end came at a perfect time – not too close to the end to be a buzz kill and not too close to the middle to deflate your interest.

Futureshop store at Yonge and Dundas? Zzzz. We went on opening night and there were no visible deals to be had. They did have a special on product security alarms because they were going off every few seconds. Best Buy, despite their dubious business practices, is still a better store for gadget-gasms.

On a sad note, John, one of the owners of The Point Campsite died last night after a long struggle. He will be missed. Especially the many outrageous outfits and catty comments he would display behind the bar at the campsite.

5 thoughts on “Post Shooters

  1. Dead Robot

    Now madamerouge! Lookait me. Loookait meeee. Loooookait meeeee….

    Remember the first time you saw AbFab and thought “Huuuh? This isn’t funny…”

    Go torrent a couple episodes. You deserve that much happy.

  2. Phronk

    Dude, yeah, Bioshock is awesome. I prefer Best Buy for all that sort of stuff too. If only because they have this rewards program now, and price match, so you can always earn a few reward points that lead to coupons. It ends up being 1% or so off every purchase, but still, not bad.

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