Xmas, Delayed


When I was 6, I was swinging my teddy bear around in a wide arc around my bedroom on Xmas morning.

Okay it was 5am and my brothers and sister and I were too excited to sleep and I guess I should not have been swinging the damn thing while jumping up and down on the bed but I was a kid, ok?

My sister: “You better stop. You’re going to…”

I fall.

The corner of my left eye makes contact with my bedside table. Blood everywhere.

Xmas was postponed until late afternoon, after I got back from the hospital. I got 6 stitches in the corner of my eye.

3 thoughts on “Xmas, Delayed

  1. Lew

    It’s only funny until someone gets hurt…
    Then it’s hilarious!

    Most common last words heard in the American South…
    “Hey y’all! Watch this!”

  2. Busdriver

    and next time you want to go swinging with your teddy, make sure you pad the furniture.

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