Batchelor Living

Hobbies, Personal Bits

Tonight, SharkBoy is going out to dinner with some friends of his so I’m at home alone.

I wonder what I shall make for dinner?

Later, I’m off to Big Momma’s Boy for their Tuesday night open mike comedy stage up standing laugh riot dang… thingy.

UPDATE: “Thingy” indeed. When I got to BMB’s just after 8:30pm, there was me and the MC. I made my excuses (“I guess I’ve been stood up!”) and sulked out of there. On the way home, I passed Jet Fuel Coffee and noticed that they’re renovating which might come to some relief for hipsters who read Torontoist. I had to do a cartoon double take when I noticed at the back, at the top of the small stairs, a naked man. Not a naked man, but a full on lookit-my-willie! naked man. He saw me and smiled and started to put on pants. What?

6 thoughts on “Batchelor Living

  1. andrew

    whiny hipsters can suck it. i saw jetfuel was renovating last week when i went to buy beans – in a panic for my fix i resorted to buying from the burned and rebuilt organics place. the fire didn’t improve anything, in case you were wondering.

  2. Dead Robot

    Being restored. Don’t believe the “1.1.3 has been hacked!” hype.

    And he wasn’t worth the effort. The ones who don’t care who sees them nekkid usually shouldn’t be nekkid.

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