Letter to Dalton

Personal Bits, Toronto

Sent via his site:

Honorable Mr McGuinty,

As I type this, my father has been in Toronto’s St Michaels emergency ward for well over 24 hours, waiting for a bed to come available in any ward that will “donate” a bed to the Gastro-Intestinal department. The GI ward only has three registered beds and has to ferret out free beds from other wards that might be able to offer them one. My father entered St Micahels yesterday (Wednesday) at 3pm to address his on-going pancreatic problem (we’ll not even begin to touch on his wait to see a surgeon) and at 12:30 am Thursday morning, he finally was able to see a GI doctor who admitted him into the hospital.

Well, in paperwork, at least.

He spent the night (and day) on a gurney in one of Ontario’s most busiest hospitals. When I saw him at 8am this morning, he didn’t look any better purely because he was exhausted. I’m writing this at 3:30pm on Thursday afternoon after receiving word that he still has no bed, which means he’s been in a hectic and loud environment with a stomach that will not let him relax unless he’s drugged up. 24 hours in an emergency ward, Mr McGuinty. That’s a long time to be listening to other people’s problems.

Granted you’ve been doing it for a few years now, but that’s why you get paid the big bucks, eh?

My question, sir, is exactly how are you going to retain my faith in the work you are doing towards reducing emergency room wait times, as this site so proudly boasts?

Thank you for your time.

The first visit

The second visit

The third visit

8 thoughts on “Letter to Dalton

  1. Pingback: Dear Dalton McGuinty «Dead Robot

  2. Pingback: Dead Robot » The Best of 2008

  3. Vanyel

    Sometimes you have to be a really squeaky wheel to get any attention. If you’ve read in the newspapers lately, Dalton McGuilty is running Queen’s Park the same way that the dubya robot in Ottawa is running the PMO… so I doubt that Smitherman can scratch his left ball without getting permission first from our Norman Bates doppelganger. (Royal Canadian Air Farce did a hilarious take on Dalton as Norman Bates a few years back.)

    Went through the same hell with my Mom last summer… had to raise a fuss in the ER to get her looked at by a doctor. And they kept her in the ER all night long. Thankfully once she finally got in to see the specialist after 9 months of waiting, the issue was finally diagnosed and she was given something to handle the issues.

    And of course you know that any political scumbag gets preferential treatment in the system, so they have no real clue as to what it is really like. Someone really needs to give them all a swift kick in the balls to bring them back to reality.

  4. Dead Robot

    Six: If you were served a Big Mac with a condom in it, would you want to talk to the pimply faced lackey who so expertly sold you it? Or go right to the manager? Seriously, I should have copied the letter to him too, thanks.

    Andrew: He was told by the GI Doc to start going to Toronto General since the surgeon is based out of there. Makes sense really.

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