Name Them All!

Distractions, Robots

(Via ChopShop Via BotJunkie Via Gizmodo)

Can you name all 51 of these robots? (Some are arguably Cyborgs but feh, it’s Friday!). I’m missing about 10 of them. Answers to come soon.

51 Robots

13 thoughts on “Name Them All!

  1. Dead Robot

    As promised:
    1. AstroBoy
    2. Marvin from HHGTTG The Movie
    3. K9
    4. One robot from Silent Running (Huey Louie or Dewie)
    5. HAL
    6. V.I.N.CENT
    7. Conky from Pee Wee’s Playhouse
    8. Rusty from the comic Big Guy and Rusty
    9. Twiki from Buck Rogers
    10. CROW from MST3K
    11. Johnny 5 from Short Circuit
    12. Martian fighting machine (not a real robot…)
    13. Wall•E
    14. Tom Servo from MST3K
    15. Robby the Robot
    16. B9 (or The Robot) from Lost in Space
    17. Killer Robot from Bezerk (game)
    18. Gigantor
    19. Bomberman (?)
    20. Rock’em Sock’em Robot
    21. Mecca-Godzilla
    22. Megaman
    23. Tin Woodsman from Wizard of Oz (I originally thought it was SoulBot, the logo robot from Astrobase, Go!)
    24. Killer Robot from Robotron (game)
    25. Cylon from the original Battlestar Galactica
    26. Original Marvin from the BBC series of HHGTTG
    27. Bubo from Clash of the Titans
    28. Sentinel from The Matrix
    29. R2D2
    30. New Cylon from Battlestar
    31. Jet Jaguar
    32. GORT from The Day The Earth Stood Still
    33. Baron Karza from the Micronauts (toy)
    34. Bender from Futurama
    35. The Terminator
    36. C3P0
    37. Giant Robot on cover of Queen’s album “News of the World”
    38. Iron Giant
    39. Maria from Metropolis
    40. Rosie from The Jetsons
    41. Optimus Prime from The Transformers
    42. The Pants from Wallace and Grommit’s The Wrong Pants
    43. ED 209 from Robocop
    44. Gandizer or Mazinger or Goldorak (if you’re SharkBoy)
    45. Tachikoma from Ghost in the Shell
    46. Voltron
    47. Droideka
    48. Dalek from Dr Who
    49. Dr Theopolis (Buck Rogers)
    50. Maximillian from The Black Hole
    51. Muffit from the original Battlestar

    19 is anyone’s guess. I’ve looked at toerh sites and

  2. Phronk

    Nice! I’m not gonna go through the whole thing, but I’m surprised by how many I know. $25 for the T-shirt though? Too much! Even for that amount of awesomeness!

  3. Lew

    16 was just called “Robot” in Lost in Space. Technically, he / she was the Model B-9 Environmental Control Robot. Surprised you didn’t know that.

  4. Lew

    I only got six right off. Suprisingly, to me, Astroboy was one I knew. I was never a following fan — I just thought he was cool.

  5. erik

    5. Is it HAL 9000?
    14. Tom Servo
    15. Robbie the Robot
    17. Robot from Berzerk
    18. Gigantor
    28. I think so too.
    29. Some kind of astromech, anyway.
    30. New Cylon?
    32. His name is Gort. Klaatu barada nikto.
    35. Probably a Terminator.
    39. Her name is Maria.

  6. Seangstm

    Damn…thought I’d do better on this… 🙁

    1) Astroboy
    2) Marvin the Paranoid Android
    3) K-9
    4) One of the robots from Silent Running
    5) ?
    6) V.I.N.C.E.N.T, the R2-D2 rip-off from The Black Hole
    7) ?
    8) ?
    9) Twiki from Buck Rogers
    10) Crow T. Robot
    11) Johnny 5
    12) One of the robot walkers from War of the Worlds
    13) Wall-E
    14) ?
    15) ?
    16) The “Danger Will Robinson” Robot from Lost in Space
    17) ?
    18) ?
    19) ?
    20) Isn’t that one of them rock’em sock’em toy things?
    21) Mecha-Godzilla
    22) Megaman
    23) The Tin Man
    24) ?
    25) Cylon
    26) ?
    27) Bubo from Clash of the Titans
    28) I think is supposed to be a sentinel from the Matrix…?
    29) R2-D2…or is that R4?
    30) ?
    31) ?
    32) The guy from the Day the Earth Stood Still
    33) ?
    34) Bender (there are two 34s, btw…)
    35) ?
    36) C-3PO
    38) The Iron Giant
    39) The one from the original Metropolis
    40) ?
    41) Optimus Prime
    42) ?
    43) ED-209
    44) ?
    45) ?
    46) ?
    47) A droideka from the Phantom Menace
    48) Dalek
    49) ?
    50) Maximillian from The Black Hole
    51) ?

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