Summer Movie Predictions

Celebs and Media, Distractions

Comfy Shoes A love story where a socially stunted man (Haley Joel Osment) working in a woman’s shoe store wishes to get close to one of his customers (Lily Tomlin). Wil Farrel stars as the Fairy Godfather that mistakenly transforms him into a pair of pink starkly espadrilles. Through a whacky dance contest, she comes to love him just as he is. First Weekend Box Office Gross: $15M

The Ladder James Woods takes on the suffering US economy in this rags to riches to rags to riches to rags story. Instant fame from a YouTube video drops him in fortune but he loses it all in Celebrity Poker Tournament. Can he win it all back on one last shot at the big time? Terri Garr co-stars. FWBOG: $10M

Flout It! Voice talents such as George Clooney and Muriel Hemmingway are lent to this uplifting children’s completely CGI movie about a Flute that hates lips! FWBOG: $32M

Gorgeous Car Vin Diesel is the man without a home, until he comes across a gorgeous car left in a ditch. With love and perseverance he fixes it up and enters it in local car shows, catching the attention of local car show mafioso. Can he regain his dignity and still manage to get the blue ribbon? FWBOG: $25M

Big Feet on the Ground Can a dancer (Molly Cyrus) after being expelled from the professional ballroom dance circuit, make it in the competitive world of Tap and Song Kid’s Party Characters? Will she find love? John Voit co-stars as the evil party dispatcher who is out to break her will to dance. FWBOG: $4M

The Creepy Vincent D’Onofrio finds himself in a mysterious world that haunts him in waking hours. Can he figure out how to regain a normal life while finding out the mystery of The Creepy? FWBOG: $5.00

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