Yet Another Grand Theft Aut–

Hobbies, Tech

Uh oh… Looks like some people are getting the Ring of Death after some freezing issues on GTA IV. Most likely from hard core gamers overusing their consoles for hours on end, breaking the “cold solder” connections on their motherboard. Not that I’m surprised. On the weekend, I flipped on my XBox 360 after a few hours of Wii and had forgotten how loud the fan/HD operation is in comparison. WHAT? ARE YOU PLAYING HALO 3? I SAID “HALO”, NOT GAYLORD! I mean come on, how much power/heat does the console generate? How much does it need to generate?

Truly a testament to Japanese manufacturing compared to American. Cheaper, smaller, faster, less obtrusive and better designed. Curiously there are no entries for “Wii Technical Problems” on Wikipedia, but there was that whole “toss your Wiimote into your new flatscreen TV” thing. Oh sure, I hear you say “But the Wii is a lower processor/graphics intense game play than the Xbox!” I am sure if you were to make an equally graphic machine like the Xbox in Wii size, it would have a big wind tunnel sized fan on the back and heat sinks larger than the tubes coming out of the Alien’s back.

Regardless, I’m having fun will Bully still. I’m beating up Greaser kids over in Coventry!

7 thoughts on “Yet Another Grand Theft Aut–

  1. Dead Robot

    Regardless of platform, Rockstar is getting a slight rep for releasing too soon, it seems.

    Plus, my Xbox is still too loud.

  2. Phronk

    I was referring more to the Xbox 360 version than the PS3. The 360 is prone to dying no matter what game is in it, but yeah, the PS3 problems with GTA4 seem to be above and beyond the low base rate of failures for PS3s.

  3. Sean

    Haha! I always loved that bit.

    I was more referring to a film like Alien 3, which had a release date before it had a script…but your point is well taken. 🙂

  4. Dead Robot

    Sean, I know. I hated that scene in Terms of Endearment:

    “Give my daughter her—!!”

  5. Sean

    I can assure the freezing I experienced had nothing to do with my PS3 and everything to do with a game that wasn’t properly tested in favour or meeting a release date…a problem that often plagues films, also.

  6. Phronk

    I wonder how much of these problems are actually caused by GTA4. A large percentage of Xbox 360s are going to die at some point. Most people are playing a lot of GTA4 on their Xbox 360s right now. Regardless of the game, many are going to die during this time period, but they can always blame it on whatever game is in the tray at the time and make it into a big deal.

    Well, I guess it is a big deal, but not because of GTA4.

    I’m dreading the red ring more than ever, because I think I’m finally out of the warranty period now.

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