Firefox 3


Remember kids! Today at 1pm (EST) you can go grab your copy of Firefox 3 and join a mass of swirly internet folks in creating a world record. Yes, You too, Mac cult guyses!

If anything let’s try to crash the server.

What’s new in FF3? Lifehacker has a great list of old-to-new features here.

UPDATE: Finally got my copy, the install was without hiccup but a few of my extensions don’t work (FireFTP! Help!). For a while my “Gestures” wasn’t working and it left me waving my damn mouse around like Michael J Fox at Hogwarts.

3 thoughts on “Firefox 3

  1. Dead Robot

    Agreed. But at least it’s not tethered to the operating system to appease a corporate lie to get out of billions in an anti-trust case.

    Still, it’s promising to display Gmail pages at 60 milliseconds rather than 200+ milliseconds. Insert David Cross “electric scissors-fart joke” here.

  2. salvage

    Remember Netscape and how they started to load it with more and more “functionality” i.e. bloatware crap?

    Every time they announce a new version of Firefox I worry.

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