Hey Ashley, Whatchoo Playing?

Distractions, Gaming

Did you get through Bioshock? Would you kindly watch this video, then?

(If you haven’t and plan to, Spoilers!)(via Boing Boing!)

5 thoughts on “Hey Ashley, Whatchoo Playing?

  1. Gabriel...

    I had to put it aside. The bank job was just… man, it’s a good thing I’m good at repressing shit. Maybe not so good for the people in the crowded mall I walk into four years from now, but for now… I’m taking a few days to find my centre. And drink White Russians.

  2. Dead Robot

    What is this GTA IV? Never heard of it. (Computerscreenwink). Gabriel, you play video games like Sharkboy does: Press A button through some instructions and just PLAY, Goddamn it! Wait! What’s going on? Damn this stupid game! I hate it!

  3. Gabriel...


    I haven’t played Bioshock yet, but I really like what I’ve seen. I’ve been playing GTA IV on my PS3 for the past couple of weeks. I’m taking my time and not pushing as hardcore with it as I was with San Andreas. I’m kind of stuck on the bank mission, but I’m pretty sure I can clear it this weekend.

    Actually… if you know anyone playing it, I completely missed the explanation on how to perform “special kills”. There are characters — mostly bosses — who, when you push a specific button while aiming at them, you can get a cinematic kill. I’ve checked everywhere and can’t find it…

    I’ve also been playing Call Of Duty 4 with some friends… really, really cool stuff.

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