I Plan To Give These People My Money


Do Rogers think we live in a bubble? Do they think that we don’t pay attention to the TV/Radio/Free Metro paper?

Cut the mysterious marketing crap haphazardly slapped together by some hack at One Mount Pleasant (here’s where I mention that the silhouette looks more like a Nokia than the iPhone). Tell us how much. Christ knows we’ve been waiting a full year for this.

To be fair, they’re probably bound by the whole Apple/iPhone/Comwave thing. But to circumnavigate the issue, they still could say “Apple iPhone”, that way the onus is back on Apple.

2 thoughts on “I Plan To Give These People My Money

  1. Jon

    Honestly? I bet some employee is laughing away, realizing how ridiculous this hack-job of an ad is.

    Or at least I hope that is what’s happening. IF not, some exec should get slapped in the face with a greased up fleshlight liner.

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