Island Girl

Distractions, Personal Bits, Toronto

Some pics from the weekend! We went to the nude beach and saw the most amazing sight: a gentleman powerwalking up and down the beach with the largest unit I have ever seen. When he was walking away from us, full on back to us, we could still see glimpses of his tallywhacker past his outer thigh as he sauntered down the sand. With every pass we (as well as the rest of the beach) couldn’t help stopping our conversation and staring – heads would turn slowly like some zombie slow tennis game. Thankfully (?) no pictures or video even though the Mailman insisted I try.

3 thoughts on “Island Girl

  1. andrew

    i went over my calendar from last year – i was there about once per week. only been twice so far this summer, but that’s not bad considering the weather. i’m aiming for friday after work – weekends there are a bit crowded, i found.

  2. Lew

    I swear, rumours of me PowerWalking have been exaggerated.

    The dimensions, however, are correct.

    Have a nice day.

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