Met up with Sean of Fortress of Solitude this evening and promptly spat ice cream on him while excitedly trying to explain how much HD TV rocks.
“Preaching to the choir,” he said.
Here we are holding up our Mini Book Expo hauls!
Met up with Sean of Fortress of Solitude this evening and promptly spat ice cream on him while excitedly trying to explain how much HD TV rocks.
“Preaching to the choir,” he said.
Here we are holding up our Mini Book Expo hauls!
13 thoughts on “Devils Who Care”
I think there’s a Lids in the Eaton Centre. But you have to keep the gold logo sticker on the brim. It’s the law.
D’OH! I did it again…lol
The hat was tres cool.
I want a General Zod hat.
That was the first thing I noticed when I met up with ya. My seething rage of bubbling jealousy prevented me from complimenting you. 😉
I think you got the only good book on that Minibook site.
I will get little Kwan Ko Phu busy on his industrial sized embroiderer and knock off about 30 gross and should be able to flood the market by second quarter.
Actually I got it from my sister-in-law who went to her local Lids store and had them do it. The nice thing about it is that it’s the same font as my old site banner. She’s a smart cookie.
Dear Sir,
Where can I, as the average gay consumer buy Dead Robot hats? I noticed you were sporting this lovely chapeaus and was wondering how I might procure one?
Thank you,
StevieB (Mrs.)
CHEPS AND DEP!!! Heehee!
HD Moose. 🙂
Funnily enough, I partooken in Corrie from last night after returning home from our meeting. David Platt needs some SERIOUS, industrial strength Clearasil…eek.
He is! SharkBoy is already planning the chip dip for movie nights with him and J.
Ah glad you got to meet Sean, hes really a lovely guy 🙂
I liked the British cover design better, but loving the fontography on this one.
HDNet had Moose on it the other night. I drooled.
LOL I totally didn’t notice how fey 007’s pose on the spine is. Haha!
Was great meeting up! And thanks for the book, sir! 🙂
I actually read the first chapter and I gotta say, the guy has Fleming down. I started rereading OHMSS when I got home from work yesterday and the openings are very similar in tone and style.
I love watching HD Net. It totally rocks.
that looks a little Gay, though, in a literary way, which is less Gay than a rollerblade in tight shorts way.
It’s all such a boundary of tight stitching, I understand.